Sales Transformation Consulting

Sales is the front line of winning organization. There are a number of departments and functions which sales must align to in order to be successful in executing their go-to-market strategy. Successful sales transformations rely on a high level of clarity and focus, alignment, and disciplined execution across the business. This requires collaboration across the organization, starting with the Executive Team.

Experience working with clients from large corporates to small to medium enterprises has shown us there are 12 critical elements of a sales transformation, which we use as a diagnostic and transformation framework to unlock winning potential – creating exceptional sales focus, alignment, and disciplined execution:


Strategy & Culture
  • Analysis of current state - what’s working and what’s not
  • ROI Benchmarking - what the key measures of success will be, how progress will be tracked and reported
  • Leadership Alignment - ensuring leaders are clear on the ambitions, the strategy to achieve them, and the culture, values and behaviours required on the journey
  • Project branding and communication - how the transformation will be messaged and ‘sold’ into the business. How change will be managed


Activity & Capability
  • Developing, refining, and implementing sales processes - maps and tools that define where value is created for customers and the business
  • Creating sales messages and value propositions that engage customers and create positive momentum
  • Mapping and measuring sales competencies that enable the quantity, focus, and quality of go-to-market activity
  • Sales leadership and coaching capability to plan, measure, monitor, and support sales
  • Developing sales capability - the knowledge, skills, and mindset to execute the sales strategy


Execution & Improvement
  • Developing a consistent and effective sales coaching rhythm and frameworks to support sales and measure progress
  • Managing and measuring continuous improvement - tracking sales vectors, velocity, and conversion ratios to ensure the team is applying the right quantity, focus, and quality of sales activity
  • Measuring and reporting on ROI - based on initial measures agreed in Leadership Alignment sessions - to ensure the transformation is delivering value for the business, customers, and the team.
  • We use a number of metrics and measures, including business performance, customer experience, employee experience, and leadership activity

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