Conference Keynotes & Facilitation

Conference and team gatherings can be a big expense in terms of time and travel. Don’t let it be a big missed opportunity in terms of energy, engagement, and execution around what’s agreed. Too often there’s no buzz – just endless streams of presentations, some networking, and some team bonding.

We work with clients to make conferences an opportunity to enhance culture and capability. We turn presentations into constructive conversations and rich debate, transform networking into collaboration and innovation, and structure team bonding so it is truly team building.

Conference Design

We work with conference organizers and executive sponsors to define what you want people thinking, feeling, and doing differently during and after the conference. We shape the agenda around these objectives.

We provide consulting and coaching to presenters on the strategies, structures, and skills they can employ to ensure their audience is engaged and excited throughout their sessions.

We develop interactive sessions, exercises, games, break-outs, stories, stories and metaphors that support the key themes and messages of the conference.

We consult on the messages, actions, and artifacts that will follow the conference so ideas and commitments are refreshed, revisited, and reinforced.

Conference Keynotes

  • We can provide ‘out-of-the-box’ keynotes, or work with you to design content to suit the themes and objectives of your conference.
  • We focus on delivering content that is fun, focused, and full-on so it challenges what people do and how they think. We avoid lecture, preferring interactive sessions that are entertaining and enlightening.
  • Our keynotes are backed by market-leading research by ourselves and our partners, delivered with the confidence of 20 years experience working with some of the largest, most successful organizations in the world.
  • Our ‘out-of-the-box’ keynotes are based on our published insights - to see these, click here or on the ‘Our Insights’ tab on the navigation bar for a list of the topics we’re passionate about.

Meeting Facilitation

  • Many conferences squander the one resource that is absolutely free - energy. We focus on bringing some buzz to the conference through professional facilitation that delivers the right energy and focus at the right times.
  • We bring 20 years experience managing group dynamics - delivering conferences lasting from 1-day to 1-week for audiences ranging from 15 to 500 people. We can fill a number of roles:
  • MC and ‘support act’ to the speakers, creating continuity and connections across the sessions
  • Main facilitator - running most or all of your sessions
  • Co-facilitator or coach - supporting certain speakers and sessions before and during the conference
  • Whether it’s long or short, big or small, our clients consistently tell us we create focus, alignment, and commitment in a fun and challenging environment

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