Customer & Employee Journey Mapping

Research indicates 91% of organizations believe that a clear and well executed customer experience strategy provides significant competitive advantage, yet 81% of customer experience initiatives fail. We work with clients to create customer experience transformations underpinned by a deep understanding of the customer and the internal mechanics and dynamics to deliver it.

While many companies have done some form of customer journey mapping, very few have gone the extra step to define the stages and steps in their employees journey – the key moments that create engagement and advocacy. There is a strong correlation between employee advocacy and customer advocacy, so the two should go hand in glove – you don’t get a great customer experience from unhappy employees. Here’s how we help:


  • Customer / employee cohorts and key personas - demographics and psycho-graphic
  • Customer / employee journey, stages, emotional state, points of friction and satisfaction, reactions, root causes, moments of truth
  • Customer / employee stories - what they say and who they say it to. Flow-on impact to your sales and brand.
  • Customer / employee preferences, your competitors and alternatives to your offer
  • Key stakeholders - decision makers, end users, employees
  • Map key moments - predictability and importance to the customer / employee (build trust, delight)
  • Priorities - things to stop, start, or do better in terms of actions and interactions to create the optimal experience.
  • Priorities - changes to enablers of experience - strategy, culture, capability, messages, tools and technology


  • Using the outputs from the analysis, we work with clients to design the optimal journey and a plan to develop the culture, capability, tools, and technology
  • Through a series of workshops or as part of a conference, we provide frameworks to determine:
  • Current state - moments that matter, customer emotions and the story the customer is telling
  • Future state - moments that matter, optimal emotions and the story you want customers to tell
  • Changes to the mechanics and dynamics that will enable the change, including:
  • Strategies, structure, process, policies, procedures
  • Technology, systems and tools
  • Sales, service, support actions, interactions, behaviors, messages
  • Sales and service / recruitment and HR capability - operating rhythm, skills, knowledge, attitudes
  • Leadership, management, and coaching to embed culture, capability, and operating rhythm
  • Investment required and expected ROI for company / ROPE (Return on Pain Eliminated) for customer and employee


  • Understanding customers - what they want and why they want it
  • Managing conversations and interactions - setting expectations
  • Reading and adapting to different personas and styles of people
  • Exceptional customer / employee conversations - face to face, phone, email, chat
  • Customer / employee experience communication skills - rapport, questioning, listening, presenting options, keeping momentum
  • Tailoring the value proposition to the unique needs of customers and employee
  • Dealing with difficult situations and people - staying calm, being assertive while maintaining rapport
  • Customer-centric language and behaviors - do’s and don’ts
  • The mindset of exceptional customer / employee experience professionals - having your best day every day

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